We have a school dance coming up. The only rule for dress is no jeans. What kind of pants could I wear that aren't like really big dress pants. I'm thinking about wearing a cute halter with these pants. How about for shoes, what should I wear?
School dance coming up?
u should wear high heels :D
Reply:ok first i wouldn't wear a halter because it can get really cold.I would go with snow boots ,gauchos,and a knit tops with matching necklace.hope this helps
Reply:Justifying her tears at the U.K. TV show 'Strictly Come Dancing', Penny Lancaster said that she used to be bullied badly when she was at school.
For our dance lovers, you won’t miss any dance movie right? New dance movie is coming out. Yea, that’s “Step Up 2″. In fact, I don’t quite enjoy the “Step Up (1)”, but do you know that it is really popular among high school kids! That’s no surprise that we have “Step Up 2″. It will be in the movie threater in Feb 2008 US.Cassie is inside the cast.
In anticipation of a multi-track EP to come out later this year, this 17-year-old high school senior previews one of the cuts that rises above pop balderdash to deliver a fine dance number that doubles as a female empowerment anthem.
Pole Performers, a dance school which teaches women how to pole dance, has come to Petersfield.Whether it's to keep fit, learn a few new skills, add a bit of spice to a hen party, or to set pulses racing, women are turning up in high numbers at Petersfield's Taro Leisure Centre to take part in the sessions.
When I was in high school, I was the guy who was glued to the wall at the school dances, wishing he could ask just ONE girl to dance. But every evening after the dance had ended, I was sure to go home alone.Not Any More! I’ve come a long way since then, have an incredible college social life - and more girls than I know what to do with!
School Time Shipping is an Avatar: The Last Airbender short, which aired on February 17, 2007. It features almost all of the main Avatar characters introduced so far and is drawn in super deformed chibi style. This story is about Aang trying to ask Katara to the Golden Dragon Dance, and he fails almost every time. This is the first time Greg Baldwin has been credited as Iroh, although the short is not part of official canon.
The short starts off by showing the serpent from the Serpent's Pass. Then it switches to a miniature version of the serpent in a fishtank, being fed by a bigheaded Aang. After all of the students are depicted, Roku appears in the classroom and tells the class that the most important event of their young lives, the Golden Dragon Dance, is coming up. Sokka is the first to worry over who to ask to the Golden Dragon Dance, and he looks at Suki and Yue. Suki is shown with a pink heart and the heart floats over to Sokka. Princess Yue is shown with two hearts above her head. They start to float over, but Suki grabs them, saying, "I saw him first!" (a reference to how Sokka met Suki in episode 04, and Yue met him in episode 18.) Yue responds angrily, and a large moon appears in the background with the threat of using her "moon powers".
Aang says that he already knows who he's going to ask while Yue and Suki start a catfight over Sokka in the background (complete with cat like noises), and he gazes at Katara. Then it shows Katara writing, and suddenly Jet, Haru (who doesn't talk, but sounds like a sheep) and Zuko show up with flower bouquets for her. Sokka teases Aang, saying that he has some competition there. This makes Aang so mad that it causes him to enter the Avatar State and burst through the roof.
Later in the day, when Aang tries to approach her during track, he's pushed out of the way with Haru's earthbending, who in turn is booted away by Jet, and who is then burned away with the scene ending when Zuko runs up beside her. At the library, Aang writes a note to Katara on a paper plane. When it floats in front of her, she reads it, and seems enamored over the writer, but then sees Bumi is sitting beside her. Assuming that he wrote the note, she crumples it up, and tosses it at him as she walks away.
Later on, Aang goes to see the school counselor, Iroh, who gives him some advice, accidentally giving Aang an idea as well. When school seems to be over and kids are going home, Jet appears to Katara on Appa, and asks her to the dance while making a heart with his hookswords. Right after that, Zuko appears on a Komodo Rhino, and makes a huge heart by firebending, shouting, "My heart burns for you!" Haru earthbends, constructing a huge statue of Katara. She says he's sweet, but much too sensitive for her. Ty Lee shows interest however, so Haru kicks off the head of Katara's statue and replaces it with Ty Lee's features instead. Then, up in the air shows Aang creating Chinese characters in the sky (with the help of Teo), complete with English subtitles, asking Katara to the dance. Katara tells him that she'd love to go to the dance with him, but says she's already going with someone else. Zuko, Haru and Jet suddenly stop crying in the background and instead cheer up instantly.
The Blue Spirit comes over to take her away, and as they skip into the sunset, Jet and Haru look on with Zuko, who groans, "I did not see that coming."Then Katara says "What can I say? I like the quiet, mysterious type."
* This is the first episode that has shown Zuko has a crush on Katara. However, it was confirmed by the creators that the shorts were not part of the official series.
this day in history
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