How do i keep them in good condition for a long time so i won't have to keep purchasing new ones? I've worn Capezio for the longest time, ever since i started pointe shoes, and somehow the shank gets really soft and too bendy really fast. I'm wering Capezio chasse right now, and its already really soft, and i already have purchased another pair of Capezio glisse pros and haven't worn them yet. What do you suggest???
How come my pointe shoes easily get too soft after a while (3 weeks) of intense dancing???
a) Pointe shoes die after heavy use. I once wore a pair out after a day, and when I'm seriously training, I average a week and a half. If you're dancing a lot, that could be it, and there's nothing to do about it except talk to your shoe supplier about bulk discounts.
b) You might have weak feet. If you sink a lot, and use your shoe to hold you up, this could do it. I have this problem when I'm being lazy or when my feet start hurting. Do you have high arches/naturally pretty feet? Do you get a lot of ankle or foot injuries? If you do, this is (sadly) likely. More work on foot strengthening, or get harder shanks - or both.
c) Your shoes don't fit you as well as they could. You might have the best fit possible out of a selected pool (ie, you got the best fitting shoe at your local dance shop), but it might not be perfect for your feet. Try other shoes, worrying about how they feel, not how they look (a lot of girls buy shoes that flatter their feet but are totally wrong for them).
d) You break your shoes in too much before wearing them. Don't do the whole banging them with a hammer/in a door thing. You don't need to break them in overnight so you can wear them onstage.
e) You're not caring for them properly. Let them air between wearings, don't store them in your dance bag, and don't store lambswool or gel pads in them when they're drying.
Reply:I worn the Capezio Glisse pros for about 3 years now and I've got to say they can wear out after a lot of dancing. Its just your feet actually that wear out the pointe shoe. You really have to switch your shoes around. If you wear one on your right foot one day, wear it on the left the next. This prevents the glue from dissolving in one place only. It prolongs the life of your shoe by about 2 weeks. Make sure you get the hardest shank possible. Also, keep in mind that the stronger your foot is the sooner your shoe dies. Remember too that if the shoe works best on your feet keep it. I know someone who went through a pair of Gandor Mydens in 2 weeks and those are supposed the strong ones.
Reply:The life of a pointe shoe si truly only a few hours, thats why, if your fitted by a good fitter, they should eb asking how long your classes are, how many days a week, how much time is at the barre vs centre, etc. The Glisse pro is harder than the chasse, and similar in fit, so you've already started making good choices about trying a new pair. In a bind, jet glue can help your shanks hold out, but otherwise, consider it an investment in how strong your feet are! Its better to go through shoes quickly than have the same pair for a month and eb unable to break them!
Reply:They get warn so easily because you use them so much. A trick I used on mine to keep them in better condition was to put moleskin on the pointe of them. I didn't put it on the bottom of the shoe itself but I did put it on the tip, the part you do most of the dancing and the part that gets so warn out. It didn't make it slippery or anything but I still put rossin on them to keep it sticky. It helps keep it together and not get so warn out. I am not sure how to make it not get so soft, that happens to mine too but this helps it stay a little longer.(You can get moleskin in the pharmacy section of almost anywhere. You can get them at any store almost, it comes in a little box and says moleskin on it. It is sticky and soft ontop. IT is usually used like a bandaid or to put in shoes to prevent blisters. Just cut it to the right shape for the top of your shoe and stick it on.)
Reply:i have a friend who has the same problem you do, with the exact same shoe. she is thinking about trying a different shoe with a longer life span, like a gaynor minden.
i think that you will be forced to switch to a different brand. but until then, do not leave your shoes in your bag. let them air out and try not to bend them to much when you are breaking them in. good luck and happy dancing!!!!
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