
Friday, March 12, 2010

How can I get more confident when I dance?

My teachers tell me that my technique is good but that I lack confidence. They tell me to be more sassy when I dance. What does that mean? How do you show confidence even when you're not that confident? I love to dance and I like to work hard at it but sometimes I just feel that I don't get it and it's frustrating and makes me feel less confident. I do clogging, Irish, folk dance... and these require a lot of stomping and making noise. I'm scared to have people hear the noises that my shoes make. Please help!

How can I get more confident when I dance?
This is an question that I get a lot from my dance students...

your technique is solid, so that is good. Two things can happen: you can be overly tense, making you look tight, or like you are trying too hard, or like you aren't confident enough. The other is all in your head, unfortunately. You doubt youself too much, over-analyse, etc. The best thing you can do is relax into your dancing. Remember why you are doing it, and how much you love it, and most importantly, stop worrying about what other people think!!! You will waste SO much of your life and talent on that, and for what? People will think what they want to, no matter what you do. And sometimes, the better you are, the worse other people act toward you. Doesn't matter, though. All that matters is your dancing! Keep working hard, accept who you are are and what you love to do, and just do it!!! You will find it takes you so many places, within dance and beyond! Keep holding back, and you'll look back a few years down the line with a lot of regret!!! It keeps you from growing as a dancer, and as a person. Stop appologizing for who you are, and just love it, live it, and be it!!!

Good luck to you!!!
Reply:If it's a passion then don't hold back. Give them what they want and give it all you have.
Reply:Believe in yourself...if your teachers say you're good then you must be! Enjoy what you are doing, 'lose' yourself in the music. Think to yourself 'I'm a good dancer. Look at me!!' and soon you'll be oozing confidence!
Reply:smile and have fun.
Reply:dance as if no ones watching and your face has to show it and ifu mess up its not like anyone notices(i was twice as fast as the other dancers one time cuz i was nervous and no one noticed)
Reply:Often times doing one other thing can help something different (if you know what I mean, it is a long story). In your case it sound like you should try to study some percussion, take drum lessons, then with a better percussive sense your taping will radiate. You will learn to appreciate percussion more, and then you will feel better about it. The audience feels love when they hear the music of your feet, so you really have to be connected to the music.

Possibly also try to develop linguistic forms for certain movements. I do this with my doumbek playing, where we have such terms as doum, tek, ka, ect... Then say these while listening to music of the genre.

So I think basically you should broaded your percussive habits, using hands also, and also maybe speach.

Also in Celtic music I think you want to be slightly ahead of the beat (thousandths of a second), because it is not a relaxed lilt but it is more of a rushed sounding lilt.

If it is the dancing part you are having trouble with then take other dance forms, thus varying your course.
Reply:Use facial expressions! Those help ALOT! There's an exorcise we used to do where we would mouth vowels [a,e,i,o,u] %26amp; when you'd mouth them you'd make facials. Use all parts of your face to express. Eyebrows, mouth, smiles, etc. %26amp; really get into the dance. Like when you sing a song you love %26amp; you know how you really get into it %26amp; start singing %26amp; doing moves %26amp; stuff. Same thing. Also, make the dance your own. Coreographers give you the moves, but you make them your own by putting a special umph into it of your own. Just believe that you are confident %26amp; good.
Reply:Get out there and pretend like no one is watching and dance as hard as you can, pretend your in front of your mirror at home all by yourself!! If that doesn't work whenever I get up for a competition I smile as big as I can and make eye contact with the judge!! hope this helps.
Reply:Shows confidence through the expressions on your face. Really "feel" the music. Get into it and let people see that you are having a good time and that you enjoy what you do. The look on your face can tell people a lot. And don't worry about the noise that your shoes are making. People understand that the noise is basically part of the dance. They aren't going to worry about it and you shouldn't either.
Reply:When I danced, I always pictured myself as being alone, and free. To be more sassy, just "let it go." Be free. To be confident, refer to my first line. Always "see" yourself as being number one. You are the best. Don't be scared for people to hear the sound, look at it like it is music to their ears.
Reply:In my opinion you need to dump your current Teachers and the type of Dancing that you are doing. Those are the things that are depleting your self confidence.

Find a school that teaches Latin American Dancing and concentrate on The Tango. After six weeks you will have lots of self confidence.
Reply:Alchohol works..why are you worrying about what those morons think..if you are scared to make noise than try different dancing.
Reply:before you dance, say to yourself "i am confident, i am sexy, im a great dancer, i have a fabulous body" and any other nice things you want to add in there about yourself, and think about how great you are while youre dancing, don't be cocky though.
Reply:Fake it til you make it. For me, pretending I feel confident is the best way to get over stage fright or other insecurities. It makes my dancing better and eventually, I'm so busy pretending that I forget to be self-conscious.
Reply:Shower First.

(you show confidence by stop being self-conscious....really.....that's what confidence is...)'s not alcohol you need.

There are different kinds of dances.

1. dance just for fun (disco)

2. dance for an audience

3. dance as a sport

4. dance to release stress

5. dance to tell a story

One thing all of them have in common is that the dancer is not speaking. The expression of your face therefore is very important.

A dance from the most genuine- I think. The passion has to generate from your inner self....Some people are born with the ability to dance that way...others have to practice over and over. So, practice, practice, practice....because it seems that only when you know that you have mastered the whole choreography, will you dance with the appropriate expression needed to appear confident. Can't you wear like socks over those shoes when practicing at home?...or something to make the sound that those shoes make less disturbing to others.
Reply:The more you dance the more confident you will have.
Reply:Just shake that booty like you have have never shaked it before.
Reply:It takes work on your own attitude. But you need to hold your head up high and have good posture for the dance you are doing. And then you need to think "look at me, I can do this dance really well, look at my style". And you have to practice thinking like that, until your body gets the idea and responds. And not only will your technique be good, but your body will say to anyone watching that you're confident and good at what you're doing. And you will be a pleasure to watch dancing.
Reply:Whenever you dance, just think to yourself "Yes! I am a great dancer and I rock at this! Everyone has their eyes on me because I am a great dancer! Yes!"

Just believe in yourself
Reply:Dally dear, confidence is earned from hard work. If your technique is fine then what you need to work on is internalization and memorization. You really need to memorize the steps, right. And if you have memorized it practice alone and let it flow from your heart. Dance like there is no one there or dance as if your the prima ballerina at your class. You have to feel it inside of you. The abundance of your heart your actions speaks. You have to have a practice alone and concentrate, and challenge yourself, extend your limits. Do it and it will release all what is there.

The most important thing that I will say is, don't be discourage and intimidated of what you see, maybe you think your classmates are better than you but you have same thing they don't have. Everyone is unique in their own special way. Just do your best and fly my dear. Or maybe what you need is encouragement. Don't worry I'm here, I' also a dance teacher and a dancer by heart and soul. I like helping students like you so they won't loose their dreams. If you have any questions be free to email me at
Reply:dont think about people whatching u
Reply:Even though I'm not a dancer some of my friends are. Try dancing in front of a mirror and then try some "recitals" in front of your family. If that doesnt help try thinking of happy thoughts :)
Reply:Drink booze before you go out and dance.

car makes

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