
Friday, March 12, 2010

I just bought a pair of pointe shoes i need some help?

i need to no what i need to do when i first get them so i will b able to dance in them...such as breakin them in (i have no idea what im supposed to do for breakin them in )

i also want to teach myself to dance in them so if anyone cud give me sum pointers on what i need to do to start out dancin in pointe shoes just sum beginner stuff wud b great....i need all the info i can get. also can i hurt miself by standin on pointe w/o breakin them in first.

thanks so much

I just bought a pair of pointe shoes i need some help?
u do some demi pointes on yur pointe shoes 2 help break them in. to start dancin u have to have balance cuz if u dont u wont be able to stand on it w/o the barre. a good way to practice balance is to do a retire on releve and arms in first..if u can stand on it and balance..u wil find it easier to stand on pointes.
Reply:Look at this site. It gives suggestions about halfway down the page. It is Wikipedia, so the info may not be 100% correct, but I believe this part is.
Reply:I just got pointe shoes this last year and my teacher gave me some great tips. The first thing I would do is to lightly bend the shank. DOn't over do. My teacher said that once she snapped hers. SO I would be careful. AFter you wear them just wrap the ribbions. I would also just practice balance at first. Just rise up down at first. Good Luck!!!!
Reply:do you even dance? you CANNOT teach yourself to dance en pointe, its incredibly dangerous! have you found out how to sew them? or what to put in them? you'll find all kinds of suggestions on how to break them, but will you know when they're too broken to continue wearing? i hope i'm wrong in assuming you have no formal training. if you don't, breaking the shoes in is the least of your safety concerns.
Reply:i would only go on pointe if you are at that level you cant just do it. You can damage you feet alot if you just try with out your dance teachers permistion and a doctors. IF you have the dance lessons and both those people have okayed you then search pointe shoes on and it will help you break them in and how to tie them. and all that stuff. please only go on pointe if you have the permision. I dont want you to ruin your feet!!!!
Reply:ok to break them i fold the top part front and back a few times.. when u stArt off you should put on your pointe shoes and bend and straighten your legs and shoes this also helps you break in your shoes and its a bit of practice on how to use them.. when u break them in it would be easier to dance in them too.. :))

hope i helped!
Reply:Don't you dare try to do anything in those shoes without proper training. You can permanently damage yourself! You can hurt yourself without proper instruction. Just because you can buy them doesn't mean you can use them. Many dancers had to train for years before they were allowed to put them on! You need to be properly fitted for your first pair too! What were you thinking?!
Reply:yeah, just bend the shank a little bit, but not so the glue breaks. another great thing to do after a few days of practicing in them would be to spray a little bit of water on them while you're wearing them. that's what my teacher did for my pointe shoes.this helps them to conform to your foot. just make sure you wear them for like a half hour while they're wet. it really helps. but be warned...your shoes won't look quite so pretty.

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