im starting tap like this week and i need to find some tap shoes.does anyone know where i can find any?
ahha sorry i just have to say im supppppper excited to start tap! i was in dance[tap,jazz,and ballet] before for like three years but then we moved and i had to drop it.
and im gunna start almost 14 [in 8 days! yay!] but anywho im really excited and i have been told to start up again so i can get a scholarship for college! im exstatic!
Tap shoes?
Go to your local dance shop and get recommendation on brands from your instructor. You definitely need to try on the shoes, which is a big reason why you should go to the dance shop. This is because your "street shoe" size may be totally different from the company's dance shoe size and you don't want to mess with shipping charges.
BTW, I also started tap last fall (do have some ballet and hip-hop experience as well)and hope to pick it back up this summer or fall. My instructor recommended the Bloch "Mary Jane" style tap shoe w/riveted taps (taps that are screwed in). So far, my pair has been working out really well. They have a good sound, are pretty comfortable, and about $50 a pair.
Good luck and have fun!
Reply:Try a local dance shop, you said that you've dance before so try the store that you usually go for shoes at. I would highly suggest that you don't buy shoes off the internet, you definatly want to be sure to find a shoe that fits you! Plus, after paying for it you want to make sure that it won't be unconfortable!
i just looked it up
they are about $21.00
Reply:E bay
Reply:your local dance store. ask your teacher to see what type she recommends- like sneakers, or gore boots, etc.
ask the worker there what they recommend- theyll know.
Reply:Dance store.
Or if you don't want to buy in a store look at %26gt;
Have fun in class.
your b-day is the day before mine. happy birthday!
Reply:I'm not sure where you live, which is probly a good thing (lol), but try Spell's or Dancer's Closet. The best two brands are Capezio, Sodonca, Block! I think that's w\how you spell them.
pale skin
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