My school is giving the 8th graders a "50 days b4 graduation dance"well I have no clue what to do with my hair or what to wear.Hollister tank top with white kapris?American Eagle pinkshirt with orange tank under it? Straghten my hair? curl? makeup? But this really cute bot who i like will b thr. i don't want to look bad. so what should i do ? what shoes? or sould i wear jeans and a shirt ? please help the dance is on friday! i don't want to make it look as if i m triing to look especially good to impress him, help?! thank you so much
8th grade dance what to wear when my crush will be there! help?how do i do my hair? make up?what?help please??
Im in 8th grade too, wear shome cute shorts, and a layered top.
depends on what kind of curls. I would go for straightend for a dance. but if you have nice beach curls, leave them
and well eyeliner is alli would wear!
Reply:look hot so he will notice u
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