do u think brown gouchos would look good with these shoes? or should i just stick with jeans? i always wear them with dark blue jeans but i would like to try to switch it up a little bit...i have black mid-thigh length skirts, denim mini skirts, white shorts, black dressy capris, almost knee length brown skirt and shirts in almost every color...suggestions would be great..thanks in advance :)
p.s its for a date with my boyfriend so i want to look really good and sexy but still classy...i wont be rocking these shoes with daisy dukes and a fishnet bra so none of that please lol. and we arent going anywhere fancy just goin to get some drinks, have some dinner then probably go to a bar to meet up with friends and dance and hang out
Leapord shoes?
really anything would work. just nothing that totally clashes. i would use your own judgement to find what you think works the best. i personally have lepard shoes and I wear tham with anything to bluejeans to gouchos. as long as you dont have any clashing colors or patterns, you should be fine.
wear what you think looks good.
those shoes are HOTT. lol. good choice
Reply:well it depends how you wear your clothing if you wear it good anything would look hot on you. Enjoy your date
familiar faces
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