I am a dance teacher and i dance and teach 24\7 and it is getting very hard for me to keep up. I am just wondering if i sould keep doing it or if there are people in my shoes that understand this.
Im a dance teacher?
I'm not a dance teacher but I am an assistant. Coming from the assistant side look at all the kids learing and improving!! Isn't it the coolest feeling when you hear a kid said "I got it!" Knowing that you taught them that!! Just forget about all the stress and the tiredness that it brings. Yes I know it brings a lot of stress and sometimes you just can't take it anymore! But think beyond that and think of all those kids that you have touched and are continuing to touch. Just seeing the smile on their faces when they master a step makes me want to come again and teach them some more.
Coming from the student side, since I am both an assistant and a student, if it weren't for our teachers then we wouldn't be where we are. Yes the kids might be hard sometimes but in the end when we haved learned a dance we thank our teachers beacuse all of the hard work that went into the dance! You should continue to teach and dance. Any kind of teacher I think has the best job in the world! You can look back on kids and know inside that you taught them to do that! Don't give up! It will be worth!
Maybe in the summer monthes you could take a little break or even drop a class that you teach.
Just don't give up teaching or dancing!
Dance till the stars come down from the rafters.
Dance, dance, dance – till you drop.
~ (Wystan Hugh) W. H. Aude
Remember~ "You can dance anywhere, even if only in your heart." ~Unknown
Reply:Yeah I know exactly how you feel, it's like "I need a break" and people are all up in your face criticizing you, telling you what they think you need to improve, or telling you the way or style of dance you should do it really gets to your head, I know how you feel it gets stressful but nobody said it'll be easy that's one thing I know because if it was..everybody! would do it and I mean EVERYBODY! Just keep your head up, and stay in the game you should keep doing it, because when you feed into what they're saying they win! But like the girl above me said and which is true and I forgot to mention it's for fun..Don't dance because it's impressive or what not do it for yourself before you think of others because dance is 100% from the heart you can be a good dancer with out 100% heart but that wouldn't compare to a great dancer who loves dance!
Good Luck%26lt;33
Reply:you shouldnt be teaching 24/7 then..anyways.....how you doin?
Reply:well dancing teacher is hard to keep up but as long as you have fun doing it and do the best you can i am 13 and if it weren't for fun and well dancing is kinda my life i have fun doing it and meating other people who have the same hobby !!!
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