I want to learn a few moves from these dance styles, but I won't be doing that to become a pro dancer. Will a good pair of Nikes be ok? Any other advice? Thanks a lot!
Do I need special shoes or anything else to do cossak or hopak dancing?
Snowflake is right. Character shoes with soft leather soles are best. Dance boots cost much more ($300) and are used for performances and rehearsals. Dance boots for males have a flat heel and dance boots for females have a raised heel. Nikes are too sticky for dancing unless you plan to break an ankle. For some steps such as leaps, a little bit of stickiness is good to stick your landings. I often leave a wet paper towel at the back or side of the stage to damp my boots before a leap. For other solos such as turns or schupak, slippery boots are best.
Reply:He said $300 are the boots. Charachter shoes tend to be around $60 or even cheaper, if you look hard enough. Report It
Reply:If you're referring to Ukrainian folk dance called Hopak then charachter shoes will be the best choise in my opinion. I don't know what's cossack.
Nikes or any sneakers for that matter have a sole that's too sticky for dancing.
Reply:what kind of dance?
maintenance repairs
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