i want ot take more dance classes but my mom wont let me because she is busy with my sis and brother also! i take tap jazz ansd ballet all one a week.i want to take pointe, but i dont no when to start if ill like it or what is the best bran of shoes? if i dont like it, it was a waste of buying the shoes! does it hurt to releve on pointe? do gell or soft toe pads for inside the shoe work better? do you have to be flexible in order to do pointe? please give some advice!*
Dance advice help!?
I used to take dance for 7 years.....if your wanting to take pointe you should try out when audtions are held, if you go to a dance studio. umm... try borrowing some shoes from someone that takes pointe, perhaps and see if you like them,. To do pointe you must have very strong ankels, lamb's wool toe pads are generally worn in them and are pretty effective.... from what I can remember, I am not for sure too much on good shoe brands, When you audition they will judge you on character, determination, leg strenght, ankle strength, balance support,etc. I hope this helps! I will try to find out some shoe info for you!
Remember pointe isn't for everyone, and if you don't make it don't worry about it because it doesn't make any less of a good dancer.
Reply:If you live close to your studio, walk there! If you are going to go on pointe, you have to be prepared to be dedicated to it. you can't you on for a month, stop for a month, then go back on. After trying many brands of shoes, I think bloch is the best brand, but it is all about personaly prefrence, you should get a professional fitting tofind what you like. At first, when you are breaking in shoes, it will be a littl ebit painful, but it will stop, or you will get used to it. I recomend lambs wool or ouch pouch toe pads. About the flexability thing, it all depends on your studio, and you would know about their levels of expectation on flexabilty.
hope this helps!
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