like which kinds of shoes are most comfortable for such an undertaking
What kind of shoes should i wear when i go to ball room dancing lessons?
Ballroom shoes for guys are both very functional and comfortable. They have sueded soles that are very thin, and they're lightweight. Even the heel has a sueded leather bottom. That allows you good traction on the floor so you don't slip and fall on your rear (probably bringing your partner with you). At the same time, there's not too much grip, as you'd get with rubber soles, so you can turn on either the ball or the heel. If you're just starting out, you needn't make the investment at the first, but a leather sole and heel will be much better than anything rubberized, and it's amazing how many shoes these days have some rubber on the bottom. Street shoes are also clunkier, but they'll do for starts.
If you get into it seriously, you may even want some Latin shoes one day, with higher heels, and I promise you they'll be a truly strange experience for you (unless you're a cross-dresser!), but they do have their purpose. That, though, is a subject for a much later date.
Reply:Oh that's exciting..!!! I have been learning ball room dances for about three years..!!!They're really great(especially if you have a partner in mind;)But I totally agree with J..!!!These are the kind of shoes u should have.!
Reply:J is right
Reply:A good pair of jazz shoes will do just fine and Capazio,Bloch,and a number of others make excellant shoes
Reply:Make sure to get the heels that are only about 1/2 an inch. And they're leather with a leather sole. They look something like this.
Good luck!
Reply:u are just learning so just training shoes ...
car makes
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