Ok so i am in grade 8 and we have a school dance on friday and i dont no what to wear. I have long brown hair, blue eyes. I am not into skirts or dresses. We arent aloud to wear shoes they make us take them off at the door and its an indoor dance. Im a very active person especially at dances and stuff so i want it to be comfortable and not like really heavy because i dont want to end up sweating. Yea i no deodorant but u still sweat with it on. So yea just what should i wear i got lots of clothes dont worry lol
What should I wear??!! School dance??
haha im in gr.8 + i have a school dance this thursday :D well... im gonna wear but tighty jeans and really nice t-shirt.. all i have to say is wear something nice comfy and cool (as in cold) cuz dances are in the dark so u dont really see anyones outfit also they usually get really warm in there.... so if ur in a warmer climate than me ( alberta ) then wear like capris instead.
hopee this helps %26lt;33
Reply:why don't you wear cute shorts the ones up ur knees
w/ a cute top
like this www.montrealswing.com/.../modecoiffure.h...
or this http://www.oldnavy.com/browse/product.do...
Reply:I don't know about yours, but our school dances are very casual. Everyone usually wears a nice pair of slim-fitting jeans and a cute colorful top. Layering probably isn't a good idea since you might get hot from dancing anyways. Leave your hair down, or put it into a low pony. Spend time on making your blue eyes pop. I would suggest putting on a few coats of black mascara (Rimmel Magnifier is a REALLY good one for making your lashes appear long and thick). Swipe on some lip gloss and blush as well. I would just wear a cute pair of flats or decent flip-flops. Shoes don't matter since you're taking them off anyways. Try straightening your hair, or drying it with a diffuser attatchment on your hairdryer. Good luck!
Reply:Try to see some of what your friends are wearing. ask them about ideas to. if they cant find anything then pick something that would look nice and would go wit h the weather. I'm having a 8Th grade dance too but I'm aloud to where shoes. you can get an idea from what I'm going to wear. I'm going to wear tight jenes (that look nice) and a tang top or tube top.
good luck!
Reply:Wear a preety dress
Reply:It depends on if the dance is formal or not. If it is not formal I would say maybe just jeans and a cute tank top. Maybe you should check with your friends and see what they are wearing. That might give you an idea.
Reply:i would say a jeans and dressy top
Reply:wear capris and a cute bold color tee
or skinny jeans with a another tee...
they dont let u wear shoes?!?
Reply:short shorts, mini skirt, or capris all denim
with a red halter or a white one.... or other colors u like but go short sleeved. =]
Reply:hun either wear a sexxy dress or wear a mini skirt with a cute top, if thats not ur style then put on some hott pants with a party shirt. have tons of fun at the dance gorgeous
accessories belts
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