I am a great dancer...I must say. I am very strong in Jazz, Hip-Hop, and any type of fast dance. I kinda practice Ballet at home...but I don't know any techniques. I am starting private lessons (I think), but there is a little thing I am also interested in. Pointe Ballet. I haven't taken ballet for YEARS! I am gaining it back in the private lessons...but I just want to dance in them once. I know the injuries that can happen if you are not experienced in Pointe. I want to try them once. I think they are so cool. Do you think I should get help a bit or try on my own!? I'm anxious! I love the look of ballet. I know I can do it. I want pointe shoes. Should I get them anyways for fun?
I think you should take a few ballet classes before you do pointe. It's not AS glamorous as it seems. It can take you a few pairs of shoes to find ones that work well with your feet.
I think you are a strong dancer and after a few classes to get yourself acquainted with technique. Please give it a month or two of ballet before you buy pointe.
Definitely do a lot of research first too. Read up on www.dancer.com about proper pointe.
Also you can strengthen your feet for pointe by doing the exercises in this video.
Good Luck.
Reply:get help befor anything
Reply:get help first!! if u've taken ballet for so long, then u should be fine to do pointe once u re-strengthen ur ankles and if u work really hard at it every day, u should be safely on pointe in no time! but if u just jump the gun just for fun u could be very hurt and not ever be able to dance again!! so please take those private lessons and ask ur teacher for lots of ankle strengthening excersizes and u'll be fine if u wait till ur teacher gives u the OK.
please wait!
just think- do u want the gift of dance to be taken from u forever?
(didn't think so!)
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