I lost my Capezio Mary Jane Carmel Tap shoes. I really need these because I will be doing last years tap dance for a Pageant. I went looking this morning and all I could find was 1 tapshoe from 3 years ago. Any one got any tips on finding my lost shoes?
Tips for Finding lost Tap Shoes?
Pretend you are the jazz shoes... I you were a pair of jazz shoes, where would you be??? Put up a lost sign if you think you lost them outside of ur house.
Reply:Will they still fit you? You don't say if you are of an age where your feet have stopped growing.
You could try whistling the shoemaker's song from Hans Christian Anderson.
Reply:Look for them EVERYWHERE and if you still can't find them, buy some new one's.
Reply:Look in places that you would never think of. If you keep the shoe box's look there too.
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