my boyfriend of very many years can't help but put on his bumpin'/grindin' dancin' shoes every time a beat comes on. I'll play along with him a little, but unless I am intoxicated, I choose not to partake in moves that imitate acts best kept behind closed doors. Often, we will be out with a group of my friends, %26amp; a song will come on %26amp; everyone will start dancing. My boyfriend will get into it, and friends of mine will always manage to shimmy their way on over to my boyfriend. They'll dance, which is OK to a degree, however it becomes awkward when (1) I am left standing there by myself %26amp; (2) the dancing starts to resemble sex with clothes on. To be honest, I would rather my boyfriend not dance with my friends, but I am not going to make a big fuss over it, because I think I would be considered to be overreacting %26amp; also because I know he absolutely adores me %26amp; is not truly interested in my friends besides the dance. Has anyone else dealt with a situation like this? More details...
I cannot/choose not to dance in the "sexually provocative" way that is so en vogue these days, however...
i fully understand your position on this and your boyfriend should too. not only that, but your friends have no business dancing with your man like this. i know it is just dancing, but it is a respect issue. he and your friends should have enough respect for you to not dance with each other like that. talk to him about it and tell him that it bothers you.
Reply:My boyfriend and I both enjoy all types of dancing, even some of the "bumpin'/grindin'" on a rare occasion if we're out clubbing. Since we both enjoy it, if one of us is tired and sits it out, it's not a big deal if we end up dancing with somebody else really. It tends to be one big mass out on that dance floor anyway and people don't seem to get too specific about who they're dancing on, it shifts a lot. I've danced with my male friends. I've danced with my female friends, lol. I think I like the dancing more than him. But it's not an issue.
However, if it is an issue for you, he should respect that. At the least, your friends should stop making it a point to dance on him. There's a difference between your friends singling him out to grind on and the mass of people throwing them together on occasion. You need to talk to your friends, and ask your boyfriend to try to avoid them a bit. Sounds a bit underhanded to me.
Reply:NOPE! I would be the one dancing with your man! My husband doesn't really dance at all........But I love to dance.........And I really have been enjoying the "new" dances.....Thanks for letting him have fun and try not to be getting jealous.......He loves you and it is good exercise.....
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