OK so there is a school dance in about 2 weeks and I was hoping for some advice on makeup and clothes. I'm in grade 8, so its not a formal dance. I was going to buy a skirt and shirt or a casual dress to wear. But i was wondering wut color/style I should get and what kind of makeup to wear. I want people to notice my light gold blonde hair and aqua colored eyes. So could you tell me what makeup to wear, wut color clothes to get, you could even put together a whole outfit. Also some advice on shoes please?Thanks soo much!
School dance outfit help?
I think it's always fun to wear a dress to school dances, so i picked out 3 for you. I don't know what style you're looking for, but a blue dress will really enhance your eyes. so will silver.
this dress is more "punk"
this is "preppy" (ish...)
and this is more "hippie" styled:;
~Sparkely kitten heels.
(not those ones, but you get the idea.)
~Flip flops with little heels
would all be really cute.
~Put a little bit of pink blush on your cheeks (just a little though.)
~Dust a silver shimmery eye shadow over your eyelids, and then apply a coat of mascara.
~Swipe pinkish lip gloss over your lips.
and you're set!
have an awesome time at the dance!
hope i helped!
Reply:if i were u i'd wear a aqua/baby blue coloured halter neck dress with gold bangles and maybe gold sandels/slip ons
or if your into jeans then go bleached jeans and a long blue shirt teamed with a belt and sandels. make up wise go very casual gold glitter eyeshadow and pale lipgloss
have fun
Reply:I'm a chinese . I'm very glad of hearing you have a school dance in 2 weeks . Unfortunately , i have never attend a shinding . In my eyes , if a girl like you wear a red skirt and a white dress must be attractiving .
may you have a good time !
enjoy yourself !
good lunk !
hope this hepls
Reply:i suggest no dress. if you are going to be dancing with anyone of the male species, it can tend ti hike up, which will make you extremely uncomfortable. and you will also be worrying about keeping your dress down, rather than just having a good time!
for shoes, i say wear flats. dances tend to last about 3 hours, so dont wear anything that will kill your feet 20 minutes into it. My suggestion is a pair of nice jeans, maybe some black flats and a blue top of some sort. don't make it too fancy, because i remember at my first dance i went too far and i felt extremely out of place! just wear what is comfortable.
and for makeup, less is always more. a little mascara and some tinted lip gloss should do the trick!
and remember to HAVE FUN!
Reply:definitly wear a aqua and aqua eye shadow if you wear silver and aqua only youll look cute
accessories belts
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